
Affichage des articles du octobre, 2019

The end of vaping on Youtube? (the case of BreakingVap channel)

Thomas Bonnard, the owner behind BreakingVap, announced that he was closing his Youtube channel. The message does not say if his channel was closed by Youtube or it is he who throws in the towel. Several french vaping Youtube channels affected But that goes back to what I said last time with American web hosts who were suspending sites directly . When we go on his channel, all videos have been removed ! BreakingVap was the biggest French vaping channel on YouTube, reaching almost 70,000 subscribers. It must be a disaster for the guy. 5 years spent working on his channel, to offer content almost every day, purchasing of gear, half a decade of work, reduced to dust by Youtube and this bastard anti-vaping propaganda in the United States. His Facebook group will continue to live, but for how long. He also has his own website where he can probably publish reviews. But as Youtube get him the majority of his income, I do not think he stays in vaping. In his message, one feels an absolute desp

Vaping sites suspended by american web hosting?

VaperJoe, the webmaster of Vaping Underground, one of the largest vaping forums, said on Facebook that several of his vaping sites have been suspended by his web hosting. It was probably vaping sale sites and the suspension came from 2 different web hosting. Vaping With Vic details the case in one of his videos. For the moment, there is only this guy who is affected, but that means that the attack against vaping is more serious than I thought. I always said that a vaping site was the best way to stay free, because YouTube and Facebook could not only censor, but delete all the vaping’s contents overnight. But the suspension of a site by a web hosting is really an unprecedented attack. You really have to commit serious crimes to get to that point. If an American state completely banned vaping on its territory, then a server based on that state, will also remove all the sites that sell vaping’s stuff. And since vaping is now banned in much of the US, then the only way to be safe is to h

Vaping is not for the poor

In discussions, we often hear that it is disgusting to attack vaping because it could improve the lives of a billion people. This is the number of smokers in the world. This is an argument repeated many times while it is false in reality. The argument of the billion smokers On the one hand, clinical trials show that the effectiveness of vaping in smoking cessation is 18%. This is superior to all nicotine substitutes, but that means that if you give an electronic cigarette to 100 people, only one in five people will be able to give up the fag. And no, forcing with all the liquids and nicotine levels in the market that it’s going to work by magic. An addiction of sometimes several decades does not go away so easily. It is true that there are one billion smokers in the world, but 800 million are poor in poor countries . And a poor man in a poor country is not a yellow jacket. Such a poor person can buy only according to what he has in his pocket. No credit, no debit, no bit, nothing at al

La vape n'est pas pour les pauvres

Dans les discussions, on entend souvent le fait que c’est dégueulasse d’attaquer la vape, car elle pourrait améliorer la vie d’un milliard de personnes. C’est le nombre de fumeurs dans le monde. C’est un argument maintes fois répété alors qu’il est faux dans la réalité. L’argument du milliard de fumeurs D’une part, les essais cliniques montrent que l’efficacité de la vape, dans le sevrage tabagique, est de 18 %. C’est supérieur à tous les substituts de nicotine, mais cela signifie que si vous donnez une cigarette électronique à 100 personnes, il n’y a qu’une personne sur cinq qui pourra abandonner la tueuse. Et non, ce n’est pas forçant avec tous les liquides et les taux de nicotine imaginables que cela va marcher par magie. Une addiction de parfois plusieurs décennies ne s’en va pas aussi facilement. Il est vrai qu’il y un milliard de fumeurs dans le monde, mais 800 millions sont des pauvres dans les pays pauvres . Et un pauvre dans un pays pauvre n’est pas un gilet jaune. Un tel pauv

Uwell's Nunchaku 2 kit review, a smashing comeback!

Uwell’s Nunchaku 2 offers many improvements while keeping the secrets of its success. Unknown to the battalion a few years ago, Uwell was successful with the Nunchaku kit. As everyone started to make all the mods more square than the others, Uwell went on a tube and a tank of the same name with the Nunchaku. The success was massive and even today, the first kit Nunchaku is still very popular and there are still coils for the first Nunchaku tank. This shows the reliability of Uwell to maintain its range. This is one of the brands that I enjoy the most and I threw my TFV8 Baby for a Crown 4 . The brand is not the most affordable, but it often keeps its promises. Features of the Uwell’s Nunchaku 2 mod Type: Tube Power: 5 to 100 watts Material: Stainless steel and polycarbonate Batteries: 18650, 20700, 21700 Special feature: Power adjustment with movement Uwell’s Nunchaku 2 mod   The Nunchaku mod 2 is made of stainless steel and polycarbonate. It is anti-dust and anti-humidity to protect

Le kit Nunchaku 2 d'Uwell, un retour fracassant !

Le Nunchaku 2 d’Uwell propose de nombreuses améliorations tout en gardant les secrets de son succès. Inconnu au bataillon il y a quelques années, Uwell a connu le succès avec le kit Nunchaku. Alors que tout le monde se mettait à fabriquer des mods tous plus carrés les uns que les autres, Uwell est parti sur un tube et un tank du même nom avec le Nunchaku. Le succès a été immédiat et même aujourd’hui, le premier kit Nunchaku est encore très apprécié et on trouve encore des résistances pour le tank Nunchaku 1. Cela montre la fiabilité d’Uwell pour entretenir sa gamme. C’est l’une des marques que j’apprécie le plus et j’ai jeté mon TFV8 Baby pour un Crown 4 . Ce n’est pas le plus abordable, mais il tient souvent ses promesses. Les caractéristiques du mod Nunchaku 2 d’Uwell Type : Tube Puissance : 5 à 100 watts Matériau : Acier inoxydable et polycarbonate Accus supportés : 18650, 20700, 21700 Particularité : Réglage de la puissance avec le mouvement Le mod Nunchaku 2 d’Uwell Le mod Nuncha