World Vaping Day 2020, hope and shit
May 30, 2020 is World Vaping Day. Unfortunately, we would like something other than a world day, because world days are above all an opportunity to say that there is nothing we can do. Between World Peacekeepers’ Day on May 29 and World No Tobacco Day on May 31, we can say that we are very well surrounded. Murderers in the name of democracy on the one hand and the worst bastards on the other. Because during the tobacco-free day, the WHO swung filth as it is not allowed on the vape, especially children with sketches of vape who have nothing to envy to the promotions of child soldiers during the dark period of Sierra Leone. Between rage and hatred, this is my daily lot when I see all these anti-vaping news, treating me as the worst criminal when I am just trying to delay the time when the famous crab will come to visit me because of my 20 years of smoking. I started vaping on October 21, 2018 and therefore, this May 30, 2020, it will be exactly 586 days since I stopped smoking . I had to