Vaping in Madagascar: Call to develop the electronic cigarette industry
Vaping in Madagascar deserves the attention of public authorities and industry professionals. We do not know the number of vapers in Madagascar, but I would say it is around 500 to 1000 across the country. It’s not much, but the main problem is that the vaping industry in Madagascar is totally non-existent. While the Big Island has all the potential to develop its own electronic cigarette components. The state of smoking and the need for vaping in Madagascar If we talk about smoking in Madagascar, we are around 8 to 9% of the population. The country is not affected very much by this scourge, because smoking in France is 19% while in the United States it is around 15%. However, we have been able to achieve this low rate of smoking when the tools to quit smoking are overpriced or non-existent. Most people quit because the price of cigarettes got too high or with willpower. With vaping in Madagascar, it is not daring to say that we will be able to halve the smoking rate. From 10%, we will