The Maths for the alien coil
The alien coil is one of the most popular in vaping, but also one of the most difficult to make. You have to master the clapton and the fused clapton before tackling the alien. The default alien coil is 3 cores (main wires). The inventor of the alien, Blue Eyed Goon ( he is also the creator of the RDA Goon ), went on 3 cores. But as soon as this alien coil landed, everyone declined it to their liking. The base of the alien coil Mastery of alien is essential for most advanced coils. But how do you know the diameter of the clapton you’re going to stretch and turn into an alien? By clapton, I mean the wire that will be the “Decore”. The Decore is a wire that is “stripped” from its clapton. For example, you clapton a 36 on a 26. Then you put the drill in reverse mode for a few seconds to “relax” the clapton. You remove it and you have a “Decore”. This Decore, you are going to stretch it until the sections space out and then you go clapton on 3 cores tightly together to have your alien. St